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                                              How Cellulite Development Occurs

Unprocessed residues deposited under our skin and "win" all the great parts of the body. However, they cannot be stored for a long time just like that, with the passage of time, cellulite goes into the new stage of its development, it is much heavier.

Pickles, ketchup, mayonnaise, sauces - Pickles, salted, smoked cause the appearance of "orange peel" because they contain huge amounts of salt. It accumulates in the body holding the water, these processes contributing to the formation of stagnation and the appearance of cellulite. Data products that cause cellulite, better to replace the low-fat sour cream, olive oil, mustard.
Instant coffee - Freshly ground coffee you can afford to drink (no more than 200 ml per day), but the instant drink, especially if it added sugar and cream, should be excluded.
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Sweet sparkling water - Sugary drinks, including energy - it is simply a poison to the body. They acidifies the body, violate digestion and metabolism, causing thirst. You can replace them with freshly squeezed juice or compote.
Animal fats - Saturated (animal) fats form cellulite, because the human body is able to cope only with fats of vegetable origin. Animal fats removed from the body are very difficult, so they must be ruthlessly excluded from your diet. For products that cause obesity are also heavy cream, butter and cheese. Here is a list of some products that cause the appearance of cellulite:
•    Sausage, ham.
•    Candy, chocolate.
•    Mayonnaise.
•    Salt.
•    Fatty meats.
•    Alcohol (in particular beer).
•    Sugar.
•    Instant coffee.
The victory over the cellulite is a balanced diet. Toxins and fats very much unsightly deposit on our body with the help of diet food can be cleansed of them and get rid of the hated cellulite.
Diet - it's not eating strictly by the hour and, moreover, is not a hunger strike. Rapid weight loss will not benefit. If you drastically lose weight - cellulite will become even more pronounced as the weight is restored quickly, and connective tissue will simply sag. At the same time in our diet all is balanced. We should have no shortage of any vitamins or protein or in micronutrients.

Products, healthy - Useful products to assist in getting rid of cellulite:
•    Fruits and vegetables - Eat them on an empty stomach. They normalize bowel function and sensation of hunger.
•    Liquid - As much as possible, drink fluids (green tea without sugar or plain water). It is very useful on an empty stomach to drink 1 cup of water. It improves blood circulation and removes toxins from the body dry red wine (no more than 100 ml per day).
•    Seafood contains minerals that help eliminate toxins and improve skin elasticity.
•    In whole grain bread (rye) contain a lot of fiber, which improves skin condition. At night you can eat a couple of slices of this product.
•    A daily intake of 15 drops of aloe juice improves the performance of the intestinal tract and cleanses the body of toxins.
•    Do not eat food after 18 hours. This food is sure to be postponed at you in the form of cellulite. You can eat an apple or a few spoonfuls of cereal.
•    Oatmeal improves metabolism due to the high content of fiber, and strengthens the skin. It can eat for dinner and breakfast, with fruit and without them, with honey and nuts.